Choose your tarot deck

  • Crow Tarot

    Crow tarot by MJ Cullinane


    Nefertari’s tarot is a multi-lingual deck in German, Spanish, Italian and English.

  • The Wild Unknown

    The Wild Unknown Tarot by artist Kim Krans is a beautiful deck that focuses on the elemental and animal spirits. Each suit of the court cards is represented by an animal—owls represent air/swords, deer represent earth/pentacles, snakes represent fire/wands, and swans represent water/cups.

When booking a tarot reading with me, you have the option to choose your tarot deck. Above are the decks that I’m currently using for client readings. Choose the tarot deck you feel most drawn to. You will be able to specify which deck you would like to be used for your reading when you fill in the client intake form.


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